Monday, June 14, 2010

Post 3- Three roles in Print Media

Role 1: Fashion Editor

With fashion editoring, the focus is less on writing, and more on fashion, but writing skills and a whole lot of creativity is still required.A fashion editor's job is to determine what is in style, and portray it within the magazine/newspaper (for print media) section to convince readers that this is the latest fashion.Television shows can also have fashion editors.A fashion editor is responsible for guiding the direction of publication in terms of shoes, clothing and accessories, as well as bringing new faces into the spotlight.Highly respected and successful fashion editors tend to have a lot of influence and power within the industry.They have been responsible for dictating beauty standards across much of the industrialised world.Fashion editors obviously have a love for fashion, they usually have good personal style and love other creative outlets such as photography.They are usually university educated, with a degree in fashion, arts or even journalism, although this isn't a requirement.Many work through the ranks to obtain positions, using contacts and gaining internships.To be successful in this field, ultimately you have to have integrity, originality and a good eye for style.

Role 2: Columnist

A columnist is somebody who writes for a publication in series, meaning that they write each week in a section repetitively. In print media, a columnist writes in a magazine or newspaper. They regularly prepare brief essays and commentaries for publication.A column does not neccessarily contain news, sometimes they can be small articles of opinion on recent topics or issues. The term "columnist" comes from the fact that columns were originally written in the columns of newspapers and magazines, and were usedto fill up the page.Nowadays, columns can take up an entire page of a magazine. To become a columnist, the individual obviously needs to have skills in writing. A univerity degree would not be necessary, but would be advised.

Role 3: Newspaper Journalist

The most generic kind of Journalist in print media, the newspaper journalist is responsible for writing news articles.The job of a newspaper journalist is to research for and compose articles on issues important to the jurisdiction, whether local, regional or national.In terms of print media, the newspaper is the most popular medium. The job includes covering a wide range of topics including Sport, Science, Arts, general issues and recent events. They must report to the public information about topics which are significant to that public.They need to collect information for their articles through research such as interviews, and compress the information into an informative and easy to read article.They often write under pressure, struggling to meet the deadline of the next days newspaper.

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