Monday, May 31, 2010

So, you want to be a Travel Journalist?
What is a Travel/tourism?

Travel Journalists come in all different shapes and sizes. Observe:

A travel journalist under contract

A "Freelance" Travel Journalist

Some examples of travel media:

How do I get into the business? What do I need to do?
Want to hear about the job from an actual travel journalist?

Thankyou for listening :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Post 2-Impact of technologies
New and emerging technologies have had a huge impact on the way that news gathering and presenting was originally practiced.Through utilising these new ways of communicating (the internet and mobile devices)the industry has been able to expand immensely, gradually lessening the demand and use of traditional communication mediums, such as newspapers.

The main impact that new and emerging technologies have had upon traditional presenting is the dramatic change in the amount and the content of news and information. Reports and stories can be created and broadcast to the public in a matter of hours, and people can keep up to date with the latest stories, as new information about the story is uncovered and posted on the web. As a result, the quality of stories has decreased, and focus has strayed from the bigger issues.

With the internet, audiences are able to choose what they want to be informed about, but unfortunately this means the media is beginning to cater for their interests of choice. This has resulted in more focus on soft news stories (such as celebrity gossip) as opposed to hard news stories and important current issues.
Thanks to technology, gone are the days when you had to wait a whole night to get the newest information from tomorrow's paper.