Monday, April 26, 2010

Post 1- Define the news media industry
The News Media Industry was once very restrictive,with the main forms limited to television,newspapers and the radio. Now-a-days however, with the huge growth of the internet, the accessability of information is faster, cheaper and easier than ever before. The news media industry's purpose is ultimately to give people information on current events, issues and affairs, but thanks to the huge extension of the industry due to technology, the news media industry can pretty much afford to provide the public with information on anything that is of interest to them, and if that means a story about lady gaga's latest publicity stunt, then so be it.Today, the news media industry is extremely profound, and can be hard to escape. They broadcast to mobiles,dominate the internet, and there are even television channels dedicated to presenting the news and latest stories from all over the world.Magazines even exist which are devoted entirely to one subject.Globalisation and improved technology has meant that for the news media industry, there is always something to report on in the world, and this can be done anywhere, anytime.

Bree Wilkinson